Course Description

This interdisciplinary fine arts course results in the development of a body of work around contemporary art topics. Research, concept development and studio practice will combine to broaden your skills and ideas. Stimulating assignments together with experimentation promote analysis and understanding of contemporary art ideas, world cultures and historical periods, and other areas of visual information. Studio production and the communication of concepts visually, verbally and in written form will be combined in this thought-provoking course

Monday, November 14, 2011

slabs or paint

This is a piece that I have been working that past few weeks in my painting class. I think I am almost finished with it, I think. the entire point of this painting is to break away from my comfort zone with paint, to stretch my thinking and abilities, and to loosen the heck up. I normally work very tight and smooth and this is helping break colors up for me and paint faster in my regular technique as well as learn a new technique. I just wanted to see what you all thought. This piece is more about style and technique than subject matter.


  1. I am not familiar with your normal painting style, therefore I do not know if I can comment on which style is more interesting. I do think that it is good that you are exercising your comfort zone though.

  2. This new experimental style actually feels more in keeping with the 3D pieces you are currently working on. The looseness of the paint handling shows a freshness that can sometimes get lost in a more formal paint application. I find the energy exciting and would encourage more experimentation in this direction.

  3. Look up the artist Ann Gale. She fragments the figure even more and that's what I think is interesting about this piece.

  4. I always enjoy a painting that is made for the sake of being a painting. Brushwork can be so much more beautiful than a likeness. This is very unified, a very attractive palette. I've been doing portraits this semester and as always the "right" palette, the "right" brush stroke eludes me. I think that after this semester I will try to do what you have done and force myself into a temporary looseness. It can't hurt as you've clearly shown here. Nice work.
